Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Conference Call Briefings Monday Thru Friday 9:05 pm Saturday 12:30 pm Eastern Time
605-475-4850, Pin 298924 #

Please note that we are not a normal organization, our focus is on the cause and not on the earnings. We have even put on our Website if you are in this just for the earnings then this program is not for you.
Those that joined us prior to even having a website should be commended.You should also realize that you are making a difference and we should all stand proud for being able to send out
Grant Money even before one person in the entire organization has earned one cent.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

*To all our valuable members, we have reached a new milestone!*

On behalf of our staff we wish to extend our most profound thanks to all of you who have given life to this important cause. From day the beginin, without you nothing would be possible. We specially thank those of you who have stood by us by your words of encouragement, by your belief in this great cause as signified by your work. Getting this project off the ground has had its own expected and unexpected challenges. But with Gods help and your dedication we have and will continue to overcome every challenge. We may from time to time encounter situations that may hold us up for a time but nothing will stop us from being dedicated to the success of this program in supporting our veterans. We can happily say that our company is debt free and want to remain this way, so we are very careful where money is spent.
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