Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Brave-Aid and Operation Warrior Support

Our Government takes care of our wounded warriors, but funding is in short supply and often the care they receive is inadequate. Many have to fight through a maze of governmental regulations to obtain benefits they so justly earned and deserved. And on the home front once the parades are over and the accolades die down, the reality of life as a disabled veteran sinks in. Most wounded veterans are forgotten within a few years only to be briefly remembered on Memorial Day and Independence Day. We are here to keep the memory of these valiant men and women in the forefront and to do all we can to provide them with on-going financial assistance. Our goal at Brave-Aid and Operation Warrior Support is to honor and provide assistance to all veterans, past and present and to become a beacon of hope for wounded warriors, and we also want to bring the spirit of patriotism back to our country as it was immediately following the attacks of Pearl Harbor and 9/11, and to fill a critical and urgent need for our veterans. Due to our current economic conditions many fund raising organizations are vying for the same shrinking dollar. They are actually spending more money now to get their message out than ever before, for fewer donations. A major portion of operational cost of these organizations is attributed to newspaper or magazines.

Now that we have determined the need and the problem, the question is what’s the solution? We have actually designed a totally new concept which could revolutionize the fund raising industry. We are going to use that same advertising money and monies paid in Director’ salaries and paid it out to the people who would most benefit from it: our veterans and non-veterans who want to be a part of this solution. Our marketing will be done through word-of-mouth advertising which is free, and through the use of a personal website which will be provided to each Fund Raising Donor at sign up. Word-of-mouth advertising is the oldest, cheapest and most powerful form of advertising on the planet. The key to our solution is our “EARNING WHILE GIVING” program. The center piece of this program is a simple $20.00 monthly tax deductible donation which in a few years could raise millions of dollars for our wounded veterans and you can be part of it by joining us today. Our solution targets 4 objectives, and is provided through three venues: Brave-Aid Inc and Operation Warrior Support Inc (OWSI) and most importantly, all of us working together toward a common goal. The mission of this program is the message of helping our veterans, not the money that we can earn. There is nothing wrong in earning money while serving a worthy cause, but we want to always remind everyone that by keeping the message the objective, the money will follow.
Provide financial assistance for wounded veterans through Brave-Aid Inc. a 501-C3 Not-For-Profit Corporation, and OWSI serving as the main fund raising arm of Brave-Aid Inc. (Visit for more information).
Provide support to the families of the warriors who have made the ultimate sacrifice of giving their lives for our country.
Provide an income opportunity to America’s warriors, who are coming home to a totally changed world, to help care for their families, so they don’t have to depend on government hand-outs.
Provide an income opportunity to our Fund Raising Donors, whether they are veterans or non-veterans, whose own lives have been devastated by our failing economy, and who will help us make this program possible. Fund Raising Donor Phone Number E-Mail Address Website.

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